New Investment: finres, Revolutionizing Decision-Making in Agricultural Finance

By Nicolas Chow, Arthur Bessieres, Thomas Bigagli, Caroline Wais, and Hugo Hazon Published on July 11, 2023

We are thrilled to announce Plug and Play's recent investment in finres. Finres is an innovative AI-assisted decision-making solution that assesses climate and price risks to uncover investment opportunities that promote agricultural resilience.

This groundbreaking venture has gained significant support with leading contributions from SpeedInvest and Illuminate Financial Management. Additionally, we are proud to join forces with esteemed organizations such as AFI Ventures, Kima Ventures, Raise Sherpas, and Tiny VC, as well as respected business angels Anna Katharina Alex, Michael Diguet, Renaud Visage, and Valentine Baudouin.

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Finres bridges the divide between science and investment by providing real-time loan underwriting that factors in climate and price risks for any crop and location worldwide. The platform also offers recommendations on prioritizing investments in agricultural technologies and practices based on profitability and robustness while assessing the positive impact of such investments.

Meet the team behind finres

Startup Profile Graphic_Finres

Finres is led by its founder and CEO, Florent Baarsch. He is a distinguished economist previously associated with the World Bank and the United Nations who established finres with a paramount goal: safeguarding food sovereignty and security by mobilizing ample resources for resilient agriculture, including contributions from private financial entities.

Why we're excited to invest

Finres is exceptionally well-prepared to tackle the funding challenges in the agricultural industry. Their solution perfectly aligns with the increasing demand for data-driven and AI-based solutions in the face of climate change. As financial players increasingly recognize the need for relevant climate adaptation solutions to ensure the sustainability of their investments, finres emerges as a key player. With a long-term commitment to enhancing impact evaluation measures and expanding capabilities, finres is poised to achieve tremendous success in serving the growing global market.